I believe that many People probably used to have enough to eat. But when I saw the dessert, I felt like eating it. And there’s room for those desserts. This symptom is called It’s the “dessert stomach” which has science to explain this phenomenon.

Do humans really have a “dessert stomach”?
Many people have probably wondered why their bellies are so full and fishy. But as soon as I saw the dessert Instead, there was space for it. This symptom is called “Dessert Stomach”, but in fact Humans do not have a separate stomach for dessert. There are several scientific mechanisms that explain this phenomenon.
Why are we already full? Still want dessert
- Brain mechanisms: Our brains have a reward system that responds to sweet tastes. Eating dessert therefore stimulates the brain to release dopamine. substance of happiness Makes us feel good and want to continue eating.
- Hormones: Ghrelin (Ghrelin) stimulates hunger. and the hormone leptin (Leptin) signals stomach fullness. The hormone ghrelin is secreted less when you are full. But the hormone leptin does not affect cravings for sweets.
- Habit: Eating dessert regularly after meals The body will remember and become accustomed to it, causing it to feel “missing something.”
Strategy to win “Dessert Stomach”
- Eat the right amount of desserts: Choose nutritious desserts such as fresh fruits, yogurt, and cereals instead of processed sweets.
- Eat dessert slowly: Eat dessert one bite at a time, slowly savoring the flavors to help you feel full faster.
- Drink water: Drink water after eating. Helps you feel full and reduces cravings for sweets.
- Find another activity to do: Find another activity to do after eating, such as brushing your teeth, listening to music, reading a ยูฟ่าเบท book.
- Choose savory foods that are high in dietary fiber: Dietary fiber helps keep your stomach full for a long time. Reduce cravings for sweets
“Sweet stomach” and “boredom of only one taste”
Even if you’re full after eating savory food But when I saw the dessert, I still felt like I could continue eating it. It may be explained by a scientific principle called “Boredness, monotony, only flavor (Sensory-specific satiety)”
This principle states that the more we eat a particular type of food, the more The more we will feel bored with its taste. Until I don’t want to eat anymore. Or want to find something to eat that changes the taste?
For example, in a study where 128 volunteers ate two meals, the group ate a different type of food during the second meal. I feel like I want a second meal more. Groups that ate the same type of food for both meals
Although there are not many studies on sweet and savory foods, But many experts believe that this principle may be the answer. Why, after being full of savory food That’s why we still crave desserts that have different flavors and textures, such as cookies, sweets, or cheesecake.
Choose your desserts wisely. for good health
There’s nothing wrong with having an occasional dessert after a meal. But eating too much sugar on a regular basis Affects health in the long term Resulting in tooth decay Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease
However, you don’t have to completely abstain from sweets. Because it may cause unhealthy eating habits in the future.
Tips for choosing desserts wisely
- Choose healthy desserts: Choose fresh fruits, yogurt, and cereals instead of processed sweets.
- Eat the right amount of dessert: Eat the right amount of dessert. not too much
- Eat dessert slowly: Eat dessert one bite at a time, slowly savoring the flavors to help you feel full faster.